We're Servants of
the Good Shepherd
Seeking to Lead All People Into the GoodLife
Our Mission
Medical Outreaches
We host target events to the local population who have difficulty accessing health services due to the cost, especially individuals with high blood pressure, diabetes, and childbearing age women with low blood levels.
Health Care
and Services
We provide free medical care and services.
Medical education
Medical consultation
Blood pressure monitoring
Blood sugar level monitoring
Provide medication for diabetics and people with high blood pressure
Supply multivitamins to participants
Iron pills for women of childbearing age
Pain medication for applicable individuals.
The Gospel
Through Medicine
We are honored to work with the local churches and pastors who desired to demonstrate the love of God to their local communities through the aid of medicine by providing Bibles to those who come to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at our events.